
Archive for the ‘Things that suck’ Category

80s suits

It’s been a busy couple of weeks. Since Granny isn’t officially old enough to be retired yet, she has to work. A lot sometimes actually. And it sucks.

Speaking of, what is it with kids today and the work style? Not that I expect people to call me Ma’am (although one of my team mates does…he’s a sweet gentleman from the South) or wear 3-piece suits, but when did work become a place to act and look like Lindsay Lohan?

Here are some tips for success in the workplace…granny style:

1. Hems by the knees, please.

Miniskirts are for kids, not women. Hems should be appropriate for work, not for a club. How do you know if your skirt’s too short? Try to bend over. That should tell you…real quick.

2. Bare legs…questionable?

Now maybe I am an old lady…oh wait, I AM AN OLD LADY. I just don’t like bare legs in the workplace. It just seems too…casual. I’ve gotten used to the idea of jeans — but bare legs…not so much.

3. Flip-flops are for beaches, not for desks.

Some people are very successful and can still look like they are one of Jerry’s Kids (Garcia, not Lewis). This is only for SOME portion of the population. The rest of us look…ridiculous. Flip-flops belie a sort of casualness that is appropriate for beaches, sunbathing, etc. — not for garnering respect. Also, they make a really annoying noise as you prance around the office.

4. Say please and thank-you.

In our modern world of texting and e-mail, people often forget their manners. When you are asking someone to do something for you — say please. And when they do it, thank them! It does make a difference…even to those computer geeks who don’t seem to care. Everyone likes being acknowledged.

5. You are being paid — don’t forget it.

Work is not play. Work is not your friend’s party. Work is not an option for many of us. Please do not forget you are being PAID to be here. That means, you have to DO YOUR JOB. So many of today’s generation think that it is a work is a right, not a privilege. Sure, you should give input and ideas — in fact, I think that’s the hallmark of an good employee! But calling in sick because “you just don’t feel like coming in today” is not an option.

Kate Spade makes all her employees read Emily Post’s etiquette book when they first start. Granny thinks that’s a fabulous idea — here’s a link to Ms. Spade’s Manners Book, which is a more updated version and has kicky illustrations, to boot.

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